Our Story

Redbud Pigment Co.

Handmade Watercolors from raw pigments

is the heart of Redbud Pigment Co.

Redbud’s raw pigments are locally foraged & ethically sourced from around the world. Each watercolor & palette is handmade from start to finish by Artist Brooke Hutchens in her home studio in Oklahoma.

Brooke started foraging pigments from rock and clay for her own artwork and quickly became aware that the process of making paint was beyond rewarding.

It was then that she decided to find a way to share her watercolors with other creatives.

Our mission is to offer a safe, toxic-free product into your creative practice & studio, and to share our love for raw pigments with you. All pigments are mixed with natural binder ingredients such as gum arabic, distilled water, essential clove oil, local honey, and a whole lot of love. Enjoy creating, and enjoy the process!

Read about us on Canvas Rebel!

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Canvas Rebel about the inner workings of Redbud Pigment Co.


The Mulling Process

All half-pans, full pans and palettes take approximately 2-3 weeks to make and are mulled by hand.

Pans are filled 2-3 times due to settling of pigments. The process of pouring the pigments is completed in gradual layers to avoid air bubbles, and to ensure the pans are filled as full as possible.(It is common to see a little dip or crack sometimes in pans, this happens with certain pigments). Cracking or dips will not affect the quality of use or alter the ability to re-wet.

Each pigment has it’s own unique recipe that has been dialed in over time to ensure the proper balance of pigment to binder.