Apricot Zinnia - Half Pan


Apricot Zinnias bring us lasting affection and this pigment does not disappoint in that department. This creamy yellow-gold with subtle hints of apricot come out when layering this color. A beautiful addition to any palette.

Country of Origin - French Quarry of Gargas & Rustrel

Natural Loam - Limonite C1Y43 77492

Binders: Gum Arabic, Organic Honey, Clove Essential Oil

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Apricot Zinnias bring us lasting affection and this pigment does not disappoint in that department. This creamy yellow-gold with subtle hints of apricot come out when layering this color. A beautiful addition to any palette.

Country of Origin - French Quarry of Gargas & Rustrel

Natural Loam - Limonite C1Y43 77492

Binders: Gum Arabic, Organic Honey, Clove Essential Oil

Apricot Zinnias bring us lasting affection and this pigment does not disappoint in that department. This creamy yellow-gold with subtle hints of apricot come out when layering this color. A beautiful addition to any palette.

Country of Origin - French Quarry of Gargas & Rustrel

Natural Loam - Limonite C1Y43 77492

Binders: Gum Arabic, Organic Honey, Clove Essential Oil

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