Okie Tea Rose - Half Pan


Okie Tea Rose is the deepest red at Redbud Pigment Co. This color is a fan favorite and perfect for adding that POP of color in your creative practice. Landscape artists especially love this color when using it for desert scenes.

Country of Origin - United States - S. E. Oklahoma

Natural Base R101 Fe203-CaCo3

Binders: Gum Arabic, Organic Honey, Clove Essential Oil

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Okie Tea Rose is the deepest red at Redbud Pigment Co. This color is a fan favorite and perfect for adding that POP of color in your creative practice. Landscape artists especially love this color when using it for desert scenes.

Country of Origin - United States - S. E. Oklahoma

Natural Base R101 Fe203-CaCo3

Binders: Gum Arabic, Organic Honey, Clove Essential Oil

Okie Tea Rose is the deepest red at Redbud Pigment Co. This color is a fan favorite and perfect for adding that POP of color in your creative practice. Landscape artists especially love this color when using it for desert scenes.

Country of Origin - United States - S. E. Oklahoma

Natural Base R101 Fe203-CaCo3

Binders: Gum Arabic, Organic Honey, Clove Essential Oil

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